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Run Your Race

Learn how to run it well and to the finish line. Read on...

Guess what? God has a plan for your life. That’s right. He’s got a plan for you. So don’t look to the left or right of you. Stay focused and keep your eyes on all the God has called and entrusted to you. When you and I focus on our own individual walk with God, our family, our ministry work, and our responsibilities at home and work, we’re running our race, and we want to run it to the finish line, well.

At the end of the day – this life, we want to hear well done thou good and faithful servant. We want to have lived a life that was pleasing unto the Father. We want to have done God’s will, while loving Him with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength, while also loving our neighbors as ourselves (see Matthew 22:37-40). We want to have lived a life poured out in service and in love.

So how are you running your race, sis?

Are you running it well? Are you focused on Jesus and on the things that will make the most difference on this side of heaven and eternity or are you being distracted by the cares of this life, sin, or lack of motivation regarding what God is calling you to do in this season?

Wherever you are, focus. Focus on your race and run it well. If you feel yourself getting tired, take a rest, and then get back to it. If you feel like you’re growing weary as a wife, mother, worker, ministry or business leader, I encourage you to take a new grip and find your second wind. Whatever you do, just don’t give up, because God’s got you! The body of Christ has you.

And know this, sis. Running your race will look differently than the next person running alongside you. My encouragement to you would be to simply stay in your lane and don’t get tripped up. In other words, along the way, don’t get tripped up by comparison, spiritual warfare, tragedy, false teaching, division, chaos, and personal sin.

Follow what Hebrews 12:1-2 states, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame.”

There is so much in this passage of Scripture. It tells us to strip off every weight that slows us down. So take a moment to examine your life to see if there is any weight that’s slowing you down. It could be bad relationships, debt, mental stress, anxiety, or even lack of trust in God. The Word of God is saying, “Strip it off.” Trust in the One who can carry and lift every burden.

It also talks about stripping off the weight of sin that so easily trips us up. Examine your life to see if there is any sin present. If so, acknowledge your wrong, confess it to the Lord as John 1:9 states, ask for His forgiveness (and from others if you’ve offended anyone), and then begin moving forward again. That’s stripping off the weight of sin. It’s repentance (turning away from it).

Remember this is all about running your race well and to the finish line. Again, at the end, when it’s all said and done and you’ve endured it all, there is joy that awaits you in heaven – and me too! So let's run our race well!

Also remember, Jesus is coming back soon! And those who endure unto the end shall be saved. So let’s be ready from the Inside Out!

If you enjoyed reading this week’s post, read or listen to my latest blog feature interviews. Dig deeper and grow stronger in your walk with the Lord, today.

"Walk, Run, Soar" with Dorina Gilmore-Young - Available to read NOW!

"Living Victoriously" with Victoria Gilbert-Davis - Available to read NOW!

"Finding Your Voice" with Csilla Muscan - Available to read NOW!





Courtnaye Richard is the founder of Inside Out with Courtnaye, a ministry that helps women grow in their walk with Christ from the heart and equips them to fulfill their God-given purpose. She is also the author of the book, IDENTIFIED: Knowing Who You Are in Christ and Moving Forward in Your Purpose. Courtnaye is married with three beautiful children and is a contributing writer for, Women’s Ministry Tools, speaker of a host of women’s conferences, and her blog reaches thousands of women across the globe. She resides in the beautiful Texas Hill Country (outside of Austin, Texas).

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Danny Winters
Danny Winters
Sep 04, 2021

Hi thaanks for sharing this


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