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  Rebekah Jones 


Speaker & Coach

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By Inside Out with Courtnaye​

    am so glad to have my friend and sister-in Christ, Rebekah Jones with us today! As I typically say, before we get started, I want to share a little bit about our feature. Rebekah Jones is a woman with a passion for the Kingdom of God and total health.  She is a Children's Pastor at RockPile Church in Marble Falls, TX as well as a Fitness Coach at Verus Strength and Fitness where she helps others find wholeness and complete freedom is their calling.


Courtnaye – Hello Rebekah, how are you?


Rebekah - I am doing so well, Courtnaye (smiling). I am so glad to be here! 


Courtnaye - Awesome! Well, today we are talking about "Healing and Reconciliation." Rebekah, Can you share with us a little bit about your healing journey?


Rebekah – Yeah, Absolutely. I was raised in a Christian home and I’m so thankful and blessed to have grown up in that environment. But I also grew up in a fractured home. My mom and dad had a really difficult relationship with a lot of tension. Also, early on in my childhood, I developed several friendships that were very toxic and they fed a lot of lies to me about my identity. So I had this foundation of self-hatred, self-loathing, and low self-esteem.  


Courtnaye – Wow!


Rebekah – As I grew older and because I grew up in the church, I had this appearance of being perfect and righteous, but I was really broken and lost. It all kind of culminated at about 20 years old when I started dating this guy and I suddenly started attacking my self-image and body. That's when I developed an eating disorder. I ended up ultimately losing the guy and all of the hopes and dreams that came with that. And so in the ashes of my life with this eating disorder, I cried out to God saying, “Lord, if you can do anything. I know that you’re the only One who can heal me and take this heap of ashes and turn it into something beautiful.”  


Courtnaye – Yeah.


Rebekah – From that point on, it’s literally been a journey of God re-creating me into the woman that He always intended me to be. He’s taken me from being someone who was filled with self-loathing to being a woman filled with love, purpose, identity, and calling.


Courtnaye – Gotcha!


Rebekah – Obviously, healing takes time and it’s a journey. For me, it’s been a healing of my identity and discovering who God really intended me to be. It was the healing process of rediscovering my Lord and my Savior and discovering that He was there throughout everything and that He loves me through it all. 


Courtnaye – You know, everyone has a story. It’s through the pain where we’re able to help other people. I’m so glad that the Lord chose you and healed you, but also that you were reconciled to Him, because you are doing some awesome work for Him. You’re sharing your story and helping others find their identity in Christ. Tell us how does healing and reconciliation work together?  


Rebekah – The beauty of healing is when we are reconciled to Him. It’s when we become who He created us to be. When we are reconciled to God, we are brought into His family and we are called His children. We’re restored and we receive mercy, grace, and reconciliation. When you’re healed and you really let the Lord and the Holy Spirit into every area of your life and your heart, then He transforms your desires. 


Courtnaye – This is such a beautiful reality. If there is someone who has never accepted Christ into their hearts, this is the best and most important decision he or she will ever make in life. God is able to heal, restore, and reconcile you. 


Rebekah – Right. 


Courtnaye – Rebekah, in what ways do we limit our ability to heal on a daily basis?


Rebekah – Healing is so multi-faceted. There’s the personal aspect where it’s just you and God, but then there’s the healing in how you relate to the world around you. And that requires you to be honest, real, and vulnerable. 


Courtnaye – You know, you talk about being vulnerable. One of the Scriptures that comes to mind for me is 2 Corinthians 12:9, “But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you. For my power is made perfect in weakness.’” What Bible verse stands out to you through this process of healing and reconciliation?


Rebekah -  One Scripture that has stood out to me is 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 (reader take some time to look up this passage of Scripture and allow the Lord's written Word to speak to you or you can listen below).


Courtnaye – This is so good! It comes back to being reconciled to Jesus Christ and then living for the Lord and according to His Word. But also being a vessel and being a light in the midst of darkness, while leading others into the Kingdom through His Holy Spirit. So, I love talking about this. Before we end, can you share a word of encouragement, Rebekah?


Rebekah – You know, something that has been the most powerful thing that the Lord has taught me over the last five years is to hope in Him. He is never late. He knows every detail about us. He knows when we rise and when we lie down. He perceives our thoughts even when we're far away. We’re never alone. God is present. When we pray, He hears us. And He has a greater purpose for us. My healing journey took longer than I wanted it to, but the Lord had something better. He doesn’t just want to take away the ailment, but He wants to change our hearts. Seek the Lord and know that He is for you and He loves you and He is near to the broken-hearted and He binds up your wounds. 


Courtnaye – That is such an encouraging word. Thank you so much Rebekah for being here! I really appreciate you, sister. You are such a jewel to the body of Christ! How can we connect with you online and for speaking? 


Rebekah -  Yes! You can find me or message me on Facebook at Rebekah Jones or Instagram as bekahjo23. Also, my email address is 


Courtnaye – Awesome! Connect, connect! 



Rebekah Jones InterviewInside Out with Courtnaye
00:00 / 18:34

Courtnaye Richard

"Inside Out with Courtnaye"

Blogger, Author, Speaker, & Mentor

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