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How to Know When God is Speaking to You

Find out in this week's post. Read on...

Sometimes I hear people say, “I don’t know if I hear from God.” How about you? Do you ever speak those words? To the contrary, can you remember if or when the last time you heard from the Lord? Because the truth is, He does speak to us. He just speaks in a variety of different ways. In this week’s post, I’m going to share with you a few ways on how to know when God is speaking to you.

Again, God speaks to us in so many different ways. If you’re a wife, He speaks to you when you’re getting ready to address something with your husband or when you’re about to disrespect him (or if you’ve already done it). The Holy Spirit might whisper to you, “So again I say, each man must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.”

As a wife (myself), I hear Him. I know that if I’m about to cross the line with my husband, the Holy Spirit is right there to quicken me to bring my tone or voice down. He might remind me of a Bible verse, like the one that I just mentioned. But guess what, sis? He also speaks to me through conviction after I’ve already messed up and disrespected him. If you’re a wife, then you know what I mean. The next step for me and you (if you’re a fellow wife) at that point would be to humble ourselves and apologize in order to make things right and peaceable between us.

But also if you’re a mother, you hear from Him. He may whisper to you from Proverbs 31:21 and 27, “She has no fear of winter for her household, for everyone has warm clothes…She carefully watches over everything in her household and suffers nothing from laziness.” This word of wisdom that was inspired by God can help us just when we start thinking the season is changing and now we’ve got to go shopping to take care of the needs of our children and home-front.

He speaks to us as ministry or working women. He gives us provision, wisdom, and continued strength when we’re either tired or slothful. He gives us this word of wisdom found in Galatians 6:9, “Don’t grow weary in well doing, for in due season, you shall reap if you faint not.” And Proverbs 13:4, “Lazy people want much but get little, but those who work hard will prosper.” I don’t know about you, but both of these scriptures help me to keep pressing.

There are so many ways God talks to us. He speaks to us when we’re lonely, broken, hurt, uncertain, afraid, confused, experiencing lack, and waiting. But He also speaks to us through encouragement, love, peace beyond our understanding, comfort, and knowledge of who He is and what He’s doing sometimes. God is speaking to you, sis.

He speaks to us through…

  • His Word

  • His Holy Spirit

  • Other People

  • A Book

  • A Movie

  • Music

  • Dreams

  • Visions

  • Billboards

  • T-Shirts

  • Coffee Mug, Journal, or Bible Cover

  • Wall Art or Coaster

  • Hobby Lobby ;-) (there are all kinds of encouraging words in that store)

  • Bumper Stickers

That last one is one of my personal favorites! When I see a bumper sticker that reads, “With God All Things Are Possible” or “In God We Trust,” it’s usually right when I need to see it. It’s like He places that word right in front of me on the back of someone’s car or truck for me to see that He knows right where I am. That’s Him speaking to me.

Sometimes you’ll be in your prayer time or devotion time and as you sit still and quiet, you’ll hear Him speak to you in your spirit. He’ll remind you of the word you’ve been feasting or meditating on. He’ll tell you something that only you and Him could know. He’ll sometimes even show you at some point later that He heard your prayer or heart-cry. That’s that WOW factor when that happens! He’s so supernatural and I love it and Him!

Now, before I close, let me also caution you. There will also be times when you will think you’ve heard from the Lord, but it was really either the flesh with wishful thinking, the enemy, Satan, or someone speaking or writing from their own feelings, opinion, or emotion. That’s when you’ll have to pray for discernment to know who is truly speaking to you. But don’t worry, fret, or beat yourself up about it. Time will tell if it was a genuine word from the Lord or someone else. God is still faithful to reveal wisdom, truth, and whatever else you need from Him.

Remember, He does speak to you, sis. Just listen closely for His answers, prompts, conviction, and His written or spoken word to you. This is how to know when God is speaking to you.

Also, remember, Jesus is coming back soon! And those who endure unto the end shall be saved. So let’s be ready from the Inside Out!


QUESTION: So I’ll ask again. Has the Lord spoken to you, lately? Have you heard Him in one or more of the ways mentioned above? Let me know. In addition, if you need prayer, you can email me directly and I will pray for you @ I look forward to hearing from you and praying for you.

Also, discover more resources from my ministry and find out more information about upcoming events and booking for your next conference or event by visiting Let's connect and let me know how this post ministered to you today!

*Grab my NEW book today! Visit or Amazon to order! Thanks!





Courtnaye Richard is the founder of Inside Out with Courtnaye, a ministry that helps women grow in their walk with Christ from the heart and equips them to fulfill their God-given purpose. She is also the author of the book, IDENTIFIED: Knowing Who You Are in Christ and Moving Forward in Your Purpose. Courtnaye is married with three beautiful children and is a contributing writer for, Women’s Ministry Tools, speaker of a host of women’s conferences, and her blog reaches thousands of women across the globe. She resides in the beautiful Texas Hill Country (outside of Austin, Texas).

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