Grab these steps...

Let me start by saying that there is nothing like walking in your purpose. It’s actually invigorating! It’s fulfilling. It just feels, great! That’s where I am on the topic, but for a moment I want to know where are you? Are you walking in your purpose or still waiting for it? In either case, do you feel like you could use a little encouragement along the way, while gaining some insightful tips on how to walk in your purpose successfully?
If so, let’s do it!
I wanted to take some time this week to share 7 Steps to Walking in Your Purpose Successfully, so here goes…
1. Always pray. I will always lead with prayer, sis. I can’t help myself, because it is indeed the starting place to being successful in whatever it is that God is calling you or I to do. So, whatever you do, keep praying for the burden or passion that’s been placed on your heart. And in due time, what God is calling you to do will come to pass. Remember nothing can thwart His plans.
2. Prepare yourself. Study. Cultivate and grow in your gifts and calling. Read books on the area that God is prompting you to read and grow. This will not only be beneficial, but pretty fun because you’re studying on the area of your passion, strength, and purpose.
3. Learn to love and get along with people. If you want to do anything for God, most times, it will involve people. So, if you have “people” issues, get it together, my sister! ;-) Learn to work well with others, especially if they are in the body of Christ. I’ve had to learn how to do the same. Ephesians 4:1-3 tells us, “…lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God. Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love. Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace.”
4. Grow in character. Know thyself. If you know that you are struggling in your personal life, go to God about it. Ask Him to help you to have a better attitude, overcome outbursts of anger, listen with your heart, and let go of unhealthy hang-ups. In other words, eliminate your weaknesses. Hebrews 12:1 says, “…let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up.” Galatians 5:22-23 is good, too (i.e., study on the Fruit of the Spirit).
5. Be open. Yep! Meaning, be open to whatever God wants you to do, now. It can be the simplest thing to the biggest thing. Sis! Do it! Why? Because that is still His will. And guess what? It’s a part of your purpose, too. So say, “Yes, Lord.” There have definitely been times when I have said, “I am not doing this or that again!” And then someone may call, inbox, email, and invite me to something that I was saying, “No” to before I got the request (probably because I was either tired or felt overcommitted already). But then there I was saying, “Yes!” again wholeheartedly, because it was actually from God. Sometimes I think God laughs at us when we say what we will or won’t do. So just be open, sis. Be prayerful about your “Yes” but be wise and careful about your “No.” Don’t limit the Lord or yourself. ;-)
6. Schedule. When you or I begin walking in our purpose, we need a schedule to help keep us on track, for sure! Trust me! So, do you have a schedule that you keep for the day? Whether you work from home or outside of your home, flow from a schedule. Don’t just let the day happen. Write out your prayer and devotional time, list of things to do, errands you have to run, emails and inbox messages that you need to respond to – get it written or typed out. And set alarms. I live by my phone alarms for just about everything. Also, if you need help (like I do, Lord, yes!), hire out. Delegate what you can. The key here is to work your passion and your purpose with a schedule.
7. Take time for you. When you and I are walking in our purpose, personal time is crucial. As women, we do so much already, and when you add a calling or purpose to it, whew! Help us, Jesus! With that being said, plan and be intentional about your rest. In other words, plan time out for you to enjoy. Whether that is relaxing, reading, or riding, do it, sis. Go have that massage, facial, day out, mini- vacay, girls’ trip, shop-till-you-drop moment, or hot bubble bath. Do it! Take time out for you. It’s totally okay.
Again, there is nothing like walking in your purpose and doing it, successfully! I can honestly say that I am walking in my purpose and I LOVE it! I am so grateful to God for the opportunity to serve Him and His people. I’ve waited a long time to be able to do all-the-things. And trust me, it definitely wasn’t easy.
Before getting here, it was long, challenging, bumpy, yet good in a lot of ways, too. There was a lot of time spent in prayer, tears, awaiting desires, research, training, mistakes along the way, tests and trials, as well as countless hours of studying the Bible before starting my writing and speaking ministry. And I’ve learned to do all of the steps that I’ve shared with you. So my encouragement to you today, would be to apply them to your life and walk out your purpose, successfully!
“Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.”
~Proverbs 16:3
Remember, Jesus is coming back soon! And those who endure unto the end shall be saved. So let’s be ready from the Inside Out!
Question: Are you walking in your purpose right now or still waiting for it? In either case, what has God called you to do and how are you either doing it or preparing for it? Let me know here or by emailing me directly at Also, if you need prayer, let me know and I'll pray for you, sis.

Before you go, don't miss out on a few virtual speaking events that I'll be attending. You can register or sign up here...She Speaks Online Women's Conference, Entrusted Women, and Known Conference. Hope you'll join me! Let's continue to grow together in Christ and our callings!
Also, discover more resources from my ministry and find out more information about upcoming events and booking me for your next women's conference or event by visiting Let's connect and let me know how this post ministered to you today!
One more thing! Grab my life-changing devotional today! Visit Amazon to order. Thanks so much!

Courtnaye Richard is the founder of Inside Out with Courtnaye, a ministry that helps women grow in their walk with Christ from the heart and equips them to fulfill their God-given purpose. She is also the author of the book, IDENTIFIED: Knowing Who You Are in Christ and Moving Forward in Your Purpose. Courtnaye is married with three beautiful children and is a contributing writer for, Women’s Ministry Tools, speaker of a host of women’s conferences, and her blog reaches thousands of women across the globe. She resides in the beautiful Texas Hill Country (outside of Austin, Texas).