Dive into these life-giving ideas this holiday season. Read on...

There is no doubt that this Thanksgiving season is different from last year. We’re dealing with the delay of a presidential election, Covid 19, natural disasters (hurricanes to be specific), racial tension, am I missing anything? Not to mention, the personal tests and trials that we go through as Christians, right?
Yet, here’s the thing, sis. This Thanksgiving, we can still be grateful for who we have and what we have. Meaning, we can still be grateful that we have Jesus, family and friends who love us. We can be thankful that we have a roof over our heads, clothes on our bodies, a church home, and food to eat.
You see, as believers, no matter how hard it may ever be in our lives or on this earth, the Lord promises in Hebrews 13:5, “I will never leave you, nor forsake you.” He also promises that when we seek His Kingdom first and His righteousness, everything else will be added unto us (see Matthew 6:33). This is His Word to us and for us, and we can trust it and Him.
So even though we’re in the middle of a pandemic and all-the-things, God is still here. He is still in control. He is still faithful. And He is still a God of comfort and healing (see 2 Corinthians 1:3-5, Exodus 15:26). So be encouraged, my sister, as you prepare for this holiday season.
With that being said, as promised, I want to share with you “10 Ideas for Thanksgiving Day During a Pandemic” that I pray will help you get through it with peace and joy…
1. On Thanksgiving morning, during your quiet time, write out at least 3-5 things that you’re personally grateful for and express those to the Lord.
2. Sometime during Thanksgiving Day, call, text, or private message a family member or friend and tell them how grateful you are for them (they may be so surprised by this one – totally unexpected, right?).
3. Put on some worship music while you’re cooking or pop in your earbuds and listen to a YouTube video or podcast that will feed your soul spiritually as you prepare to feed others naturally.
4. Make a different dessert this year. Try something new. Baking can be fun, especially when it’s a new recipe.
5. While hanging out at home this year or in a small gathering due to Covid 19, enjoy every bit of the fellowship (i.e. the food, conversation, sports game, etc.).
6. Take fun pictures and savor the memories (i.e. selfies, family or group pics right from your phone).
7. Do a Zoom or Skype video chat with family members (schedule a time and go for it).
8. Break out the board games! Whoop, whoop! One of my personal favorites! My family LOVES board games.
9. Think about a good movie to watch. Get ready to watch it with family and/or friends. Break out the popcorn and coke! Yummers!
10. Just eat and relax. Sounds good?
Well, that’s it for now, my sister! I know this year has its unique challenges, but God! I know there’s a lot going on in our world today, but God! I know that Thanksgiving 2020 will not be like last year, but God! Remember, the Lord is faithful, even in the midst of everything that we’re going through. So let’s find something to be intentionally grateful for, while allowing the Lord to bless us with His supernatural peace and joy.
And guess what? I’m grateful for YOU! Happy Thanksgiving, sis!
Remember, Jesus is coming back soon! And those who endure unto the end shall be saved. So let’s be ready from the Inside Out!
QUESTION: So, which idea or ideas do you think you'll try this Thanksgiving Day? Also, if you need prayer, you can email me directly and I will pray for you @ insideoutwithcourtnaye@gmail.com. I look forward to hearing from you and praying for you.
Also, discover more resources from my ministry and find out more information about upcoming events and booking for your next conference or event by visiting www.courtnayerichard.com. Let's connect and let me know how this post ministered to you today!
*Grab my NEW book today! Visit www.courtnayerichard.com or Amazon to order! Thanks!

Courtnaye Richard is the founder of Inside Out with Courtnaye, a ministry that helps women grow in their walk with Christ from the heart and equips them to fulfill their God-given purpose. She is also the author of the book, IDENTIFIED: Knowing Who You Are in Christ and Moving Forward in Your Purpose. Courtnaye is married with three beautiful children and is a contributing writer for ibelieve.com, Women’s Ministry Tools, speaker of a host of women’s conferences, and her blog reaches thousands of women across the globe. She resides in the beautiful Texas Hill Country (outside of Austin, Texas).